Common Apple Mac Failures that Make You Visit a Technician

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Mac

Common Apple Mac Failures.

Apple Macs are undoubtedly some of the best home and professional computers on the market. However, even the best sometimes face issues you’re unsure how to fix.

If you’re ready to get your Apple Mac fixed straight away, you can find an industry-leading Apple repair service here. Otherwise, discover some of the most common Apple Mac failures below that will require the attention of a technician.

What are the Most Common Apple Mac Failures?

Find a few of the most common Apple Mac failures below:

1. SSD Failures

Failing SSD hard drives are one of the most common failures in iMacs and MacBooks of recent times. This component is the area that stores all the data and software from your computer. Should you have purchased one between 2013 and the present, there’s a possibility that the drive won’t function properly at some point in its life.

The issue tends to be more familiar with iMacs over five years old. As Apple reduced the drive size, the components tend to face wear and tear quicker than their predecessors. However, it’s a problem that can be remedied by fitting a new SSD drive into the machine.

2. GPU Failures

GPUs are the parts of a Mac responsible for processing what you see on the screen. Their upgraded construction means the issue is not particularly common with newer models of iMacs and MacBooks. Still, some of the older models may see a problem.

Machines with a dedicated graphics card are more prone to GPU failure. You might have an issue if you’re starting to see strange things happen when your Mac should be rendering graphics, like on-screen images or game environments.

The issue is more challenging to solve as the entire logic board will need replacing. Still, a method called ‘Reflow’ can also address the GPU problems.

3. Display Issues

Mac owners sometimes will report that their screens are flickering, distorted, or won’t turn
on at all. Display issues can vary between iMacs and MacBooks, but it’s all too common
with the machines.

There could be loose cables, power failures, or problems with the screen that cause the
display issues. But there are a variety of solutions that can usually get the machine fixed
should it face a problem. However, they may be costly depending on the severity.

So are there any other Apple Mac failures we should look out for?

Apple Mac Common Faults.

What are Some Other Possible Apple Mac Issues?

Mac owners might see some other frequently reported technical issues in their machines.
Those are:

● Random Shut Downs
● Backlight Failures
● Keyboard Issues
● Battery Failures and Swelling
● CPU Failures
● RAM Failures

These problems will need diagnosis and solutions from a technician acquainted with these very common Apple Mac failures to ensure your machine’s repair and optimal restoration.

Where Can I Find a Good Apple Mac Technician to Fix These Failures?

Our Macs are our livelihoods, so, understandably, you’d want to find a trusted repair service to fix the issues. GoEBITS is Seattle’s #1 Apple Authorized Service Provider, using their extensive experience and rigorous training to provide the most efficient and effective repairs.

They’ll be well-equipped to help with the common Apple Mac failures listed above!

Written by GoEBITS Team

August 5, 2022


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